Popular food in Palembang city
As known from
Indonesia sangta diverse food and has earned a very nice feel, of all regions in Indonesia, each island or each region has its specialties respectively, from Sabang to Merauke, no runs its abundant food, including in precisely in southern Sumatra province of Palembang city, the city has a lot of uniqueness, especially in parts of its culinary, native foods so southern Sumatra in the favorite out of town visitors to foreign countries as well.
Popular food in Palembang city , will be discussed by the lovers of culinary, culinary in the city of Palembang be a favorite place in the culinary, food that you meet here, as already in bahs before her like food and crackers pempek tekwan kemplang, there much more original food palembang you should know, and if necessary should try it.
okay with it,
Popular food in Palembang city , sebernarnya much more authentic food from Palembang, but here's
Popular food in Palembang city is a favorite for visitors, following his food
ood :
Pempek kapal selam/pempek submarine
Pempek lenggang
Pempek base material made of minced fish, sago flour, water and salt making pempek not only culturally but also has economic value and high nutrition. The main nutrient content in pempek are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
As a flavor enhancer, usually served complete pempek together "vinegar sauce" (cuko) that is colored black thick sauce made from brown sugar stew, chili and dried shrimp. Usually can also add pieces of cucumber, a little wet noodles and dried shrimp are pounded into vinegar sauce
2. Pindang Catfish and Bone Pindang Meranjat
Dishes Pindang Catfish and Bone Pindang typical Palembang also has become a popular favorite menu culinary connoisseurs. dang-based primary catfish catfish braised meat with spicy and sour seasoning is usually added with slices of pineapple to give a fresh taste.
The main key to get processed Pindang delicious catfish lies in the way of processing. The menu is a good catfish with catfish meat is soft and does not smell fishy. Caramelized catfish are usually served on a small furnace that is the fire that makes this menu while still warm and delicious to eat.
3. Martabak HAR
One more typical
Palembang food that is not ready to shake up the tongue behind the audience ie Martabak HAR. HAR itself is the initials of the name of the owner of the franchise leader, Haji Abdul Rozak. He is of Indian descent merchant WHO Palembang Palembang married native women. HAR Martabak Restaurant was first established in 1947 and until now has been scattered franchise restaurant in the city of
Palembang either alone or in other cities of the in Indonesia.
4. Laksan
Typical food Wong
Palembang next is laksan. Laksan relatively unique because it looks like food typical Palembang food is not in the other cities in Indonesia. Still almost the same as pempek, laksan Palembang is a typical food made from raw materials sago and fish. Fish flour dough and then cut crosswise thick oval. Long story short it can be said that laksan is a modification and variation of pempek lenjer where presentation comes with a savory coconut milk nan.
5. fish crackers and kemplang
Kemplang Palembang is a typical snack is tasty and crisp. Kemplang based as pempek lenjer, which is then thinly sliced and dried in the sun or put in the fridge to dry. Once dry, kemplang cooked by frying, or baked until fluffy.
You also need to know Palembang ,
Palembang also has a distinctive rendang
Kemplang roast is a good choice for a healthy snack because in addition to the high protein content of the fish, grilled kemplang also does not contain cooking oil, thereby reducing the risk of diseases caused by bad cholesterol contained in the oil. Kemplang usually eaten as a snack food with chili sauce or vinegar sauce.
to know how pembuatanya
click here.
popular food in Palembang, which is native foods of the city of Palembang are not owned by other cities in Indonesia, the food is delicious food for eating, so in the regret if you visit Indonesia and the food tasted very delicious yan, congratulations try