How to make crackers palembang , there are many types of crackers ali palembang based from the fish. crackers very typical Palembang Palembang enjoy doing community and become the top choice if crackers served alongside other foods. if and already know
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How to make crackers palembang, not too hard, crackers and
kemplang Actually it is different, but people often mistakenly call it, is the difference of how to cook it, if crackers in cooking, while kemplang in panggang.Baik crackers and kemplang, easily dented due to moist air, by because of it. Preferably after chilling in plastic wrap and tied the ends or put it in a jar, so that the air does not enter.
How to make crackers palembang make crackers will be described here, the original crackers palembang are based on fresh fish options.
-The red snapper or catfish 3kg
-Take the meat course, weigh ± 1.5 kg
-1kg flour
-Quality tapioca 1.
- 5 cloves of Garlic
- Salt 1sendok eat
- Baking soda 1 \ 4 tablespoons
The process of making crackers palembang:
* Ground fish meat / mixer smooth
* Garlic + salt + mashed soda
* Fish meat and spices in a mortar placed pulverized until fluffy
* Add a ± 300 grams tapioca flour and continue to grind until the flour in blended with fish meat.
Tenacious by hand until springy and elongated form of bars.
* Steamed ± 1 \ 4 hours
* Let stand until hard and slice / piece tipis2
* In the sun to dry completely
* Crackers ready to fry
The crackers from plain crackers pelmbang named, from the name alone plain, this means that the form of crackers shaped pputih plain and not too large, there are two types of ways in the process of cooking this fish crackers, here's how to make crackers palembang:
Frying with sand:
1. Take a river or sea sand to taste.
2. Wash to clean up the water bilasannya translucent color.
3. Drying the sand in the sun to dry completely.
4. Prepare a stove with griddle do a bit wide.
5. Put clean sand that is dry earlier.
6. Heat, get out of steam in the sand, stirring until thoroughly heated.
7. Put some crackers that have been dried beforehand.
8. Let the blooms themselves while in the back and forth.
9. After full bloom, kerupuknya Remove and let cool.
Ready to be served.
Frying cooking oil:
1. Drying kerupuknya moment.
2. Prepare 2 stove and put a pan of cooking oil.
3. Stove first (A) small fire.
4. The second stove (B) a large fire.
5. Soak some crackers in a frying pan until it comes out white spots like pimples around crackers.
6. Move to the skillet B, crackers will instantly bloom, keep not too yellow.
7. Remove and drain oil.
8. Once cool crackers ready to serve.
how to make crackers palembang make you curious, please try it at your own home-still after reading an explanation on how to make crackers palembang,
good luck ...