Thought to have a college in South Sumatra has occurred since the early 1950s, which was initiated in preparation for an occasion of Independence Day celebrations on August 17, 1952 Initiated by some youths of society, transformed into an agreement to form a "Committee Fakultet South Sumatra" . Towards the end of August 1952, with a variety of considerations, and in the first set that will be established is the economics faculty. For that formed the "Committee for Economic Fakultet South Sumatra" which is managed by a foundation which was established on 1 April 1953 under the name "College Foundation Syakhyakirti".
To create a development, then planning the addition Unsri campus, outside the existing Big Hill, with a land area of 712 hectares freeing, in Indealaya, Ogan Ilir Histories (Now Ogan Ilir-OI), in 1982 construction began on the new campus 1983 with the aid of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which is physically started in 1989 and ended on December 31, 1993, the Governor of South Sumatra H Ramli Hasan Basri memresmikan inaugural lecture marks the beginning of the new academic activities on campus this Inderalaya on December 1 September 1993 Utilization of facilities in Campus Inderalaya fully implemented with the Rector in January 1995 where it was determined that as of the date of February 1, 1995 all administrative activities and the majority of academic activities held on campus Inderalaya. Campus Inauguration Unsri new real Indralaya held on March 6, 1997 by President Soeharto.
State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Raden Fatah Palembang was inaugurated on December 13, 1964. The House of Representatives of South Sumatra Province. based on the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 7 of 1964 dated October 22, 1964.
In 1975 s / d IAIN Raden Fatah in 1995 has 5 faculties, three faculty in Palembang, namely the Faculty of Shariah, Faculty of Tarbiyah and the Department of Islamic Theology, and two Faculty in Bengkulu, the Department of Islamic Theology at the Faculty of Sharia in Curup and Bengkulu. In line with government policy in developing Islamic colleges, then on 30 June 1997, respectively increase to two faculty in the status of a high school for Islamic Studies (STAIN), the STAIN STAIN Curup and Bengkulu
In the subsequent development of IAIN Raden Fatah to open two new faculty, the Faculty of Adab and the Faculty of Da'wa by the Minister of Religious Affairs Decree No. 103 of 1998 dated February 27, 1998 Early Faculty of Adab and started from opening admissions Studies Program (Prodi) Arabic Language and Literature Islamic Culture and History of the Academic year 1995/1996.
Establishment of the Graduate Program in 2000 to make IAIN Raden Fatah as an educational institution that has a commitment to enlightened academic community that is always willing to regularly update and develop multidisciplinary Islamic sciences.