Fish crackers Palembang is a typical food of southern Sumatra, as the name suggests the basic ingredients of this food is fish, handed down from ancestors Sriwijaya on earth has been made crackers this until now . even almost worldwide with crunchy and savory taste, this food has a lot on her special enjoy doing msayarakat Malay or native of the island of Sumatra .
This fish crackers Palembang are actually many types of crackers is baked crackers belida fish, crackers bun and the most in interest is typical Palembang kemplang chips, all chips were his favorite and all made from fish.
Palembang fish crackers was now not only enjoy doing Sumsel society itself. outside the community such as Java, Kalimantan what had already become a favorite again as a snack or into a salad when eating. For the manufacture of all the crackers I will describe in his next post.
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