10 weird and haunted places in Palembang
10 weird and haunted place in Palembang, Palembang is located in the western part in Indonesia and famous Ampera bridge and also pempek delicious food, in addition to having an attractive tourist spot palembang also have considered odd and it could be said armature.
10 weird and haunted place in Palembang, became the topic of discussion. This time the discussion of the places that I think there are things mystical (occult) or called the armature, but the place was often visited by the people of Palembang.
10 weird and haunted places in Palembang do make you all are curious, let us discuss and here will be described where that is considered nothing mystical in the city of Palembang, okay guys just below 10 weird and haunted places in Palembang
1. Mall PTC Palembang
(near Hotel Novotel) In the area (acreage) in this mall, there is a tower (chimney) investigate calibaration turns formerly a factory chimney so. Formerly the area (region) is going in for a new building or be expanded area (opens new land) so the subcontractors (workers) would ngerobohin the tower but found no one who can knock down the tower, everyone wants ngerobohinnya surely people even trance (possessed). Until today the tower standing strong and nobody is able to knock down this building.
2. Hospital Caritas Palembang
in RS. Caritas, right in front of Bank Indonesia Palembang, no tunnel former Japanese colonial era as an underground street, he said there was an invisible ular.ng ever able to tear down the building.
3. Mount Siguntang, palembang
No doubt you know about this place, things that make this place rada-rada haunted place because this place is considered sacred and has been in use since the Dutch colonial period, also found several artifacts. People do not dare kinds here especially at night, so that is definitely very, very.
4. Simpang Empat Celentang Palembang
In front of the complex Grand Garden, Kalo celentang to the existing intersection of four tuh, well if we want to penetrate into the direction you definitely Housing Complex in Palembang taukan Grand Garden? In front if you want to enter the complex, there is a small incline barrier gutter (small river), once people nobody would dare pass there especially before their public housing complex was once the area was a swamp, often desperate people who will meet female figure crossing (crossing) so that people who are driving will swerved and went into the swamp area (but it used to be, now already crowded ntah deh where something was.
5. School Yapon (HKBP), Palembang
HKBP Yapon school or church, just behind the church of St. Josef, or contrary to the Indonesian Bank parking lot, past the cemetery also Dutch, samapai to her behind the tennis courts. If you want to know more? Let's try to test his nerve at night.
6. Campus UNSRI Palembang
At Campus Unsri precisely in the new building where the Master Management (S2), where exactly in the room small small mosque.
7. Bank Indonesia, Palembang
Bank Indonesia in Sepan Rs. Caritas. Her first there was the Dutch cemetery. and when the construction of its new building in 1999 as a sacrificial victim takes some unseen.
8. Hotel Sandjaja, Palembang
The hotel is located next to the hospital. Caritas, investigate calibaration fitting no event event the SEA Games in Palembang, the hotel is in use as one of the hotels that they use to stay the athletes, I forgot how many numbers fit in the room, one of the athletes who stay there complaint with the nuisance disturbance in the room.
9. Deket SMA YKPPI, Palembang
Near the high school there is a hermitage YKPP I scout unused, and adjacent degan Hotel, here aa big banyan tree and is often seen women drifted towards the hotel, in the estimate that the spirits of women who committed suicide there.
10. Archaeological Park of Sriwijaya Palembang
This one museum in Palembang, yes Ko wrote pass in front of the museum aja disco creeps so, what test nyoba guts to go in there Malem Malem. This place is considered somewhat haunted so because here a lot of stored goods ancient Srivijaya kingdom era. So we do not want to be arbitrary when holding the goods there, we should be careful and do not be nosy, other than just in case, we also have to keep belongings legacy of a bygone era and should take care of him.
10 weird and haunted places in Palembang , already mentioned in the article above, but do not worry about where it will not affect the beauty of the tour in Palembang was beautiful, the guarantee does not regret it if you come to the city of Palembang.