10 unique facts about palembang
Palembang is the largest city in Indonesia and around the world, because of its uniqueness and natural resources in the province of South Sumatra have on, like the island of Sumatra, we know have a high economic value, including in South Sumatra. Palembang or contact juag pempek city has an attraction for visitors, unique and interesting things to visit all of them in southern Sumatra. a lot of uniqueness in Palembang, well now going to discuss anything about the uniqueness of the city of Palembang.
10 unique facts about Palembang will be discussed here, for those of you who have never visited the city of Palembang will be disadvantaged because they can not enjoy tours in the city located in southern Sumatra province. for tourists who visit the city of Palembang in compulsory pempek right to taste the food, this food is southern Sumatran community pride. There are still a lot of uniqueness you should feel this in the city of Palembang.
10 unique facts about Palembang, there are facts which are unique to the capital city of this southern Sumatra. like to know Palembang is the largest city in Indonesia that has an interesting history and visitors to travel abroad. The following 10 unique facts about palembang you should know :
1. Musi River, the main river in Palembang, Sumatra is the longest river in the source water comes from Kepahiang, Bengkulu.
2. Ampera bridge, the bridge connecting Seberang Ulu and Seberang ilir separated by Musi River, is the only bridge in Indonesia with an open and shut mechanism. But since 1970, it does not work anymore. In the past, the Ampera bridge known as the bridge Sukarno.
3. Great Mosque, which is located in District 19 Ilir, District Ilir Barat I, right at the junction between Jalan Merdeka and the Sudirman Street, downtown Palembang, is the largest mosque in Indonesia when it was first built in 1738.
4. Pempek is typical Palembang food, if it feels afdhol not to eat culinary palembang if not this one.
5. Jakabaring Sport City is the largest sports complex in Indonesia.
and Palembang is often used as the host the biggest sporting performances both nationally and worldwide. PON, Sea Games, Student Sports Week national level, the Islamic Solidarity Games (22 September - 1 October 2013), Student Sports Week ASEAN (2014), and many more.
6. In ancient times, Palembang is the largest job centers throughout the southeast asia job Sriwijaya. not wrong if palembang called the oldest cities in Indonesia.
7. Across Kuto Besak, there BKB aka Chinese settlement in the past that are now becoming a new tourist attraction in Palembang namely Kampung Kapitan.
8. Kuto Besak lightly, is characteristic of Palembang city, which has a length of 188.75 meters, width and height of 183.75 meters of 9.99 meters (30 feet) thick and 1.99 meters (6 feet). So, no wonder the first war of Palembang in 1819, when it was attacked by the Dutch corvette cannon, no bullets can penetrate walls or doors.
9. First palembang has 108 river that divides the city of Palembang, so the Europeans called Palembang as VENICE FROM THE EAST.
10. In Palembang, there is the world's largest Quran often called the Qur'an, is located in the district Gandus.
10 unique facts about Palembang, is the fact that the city of Palembang in proud community in southern Sumatra, tourists who come even to foreign countries, come just to enjoy the food and see the bridge Ampera pempek magnificent and beautiful at night, okay I hope the explanation 10 unique facts about palembang useful for you who want to visit the city of Palembang.