Healthiest fruit juices in Indonesia
Healthiest fruit juice can actually encountered anywhere, in Indonesia, including countries that have a healthy fruit for consumption, therefore if you come to Indonesia so many sellers healthy fruit juice on the roadside.
Healthiest fruit juices , suggest the need to make yourself at home not too often bought his roadside sellers as it pertains to the cleanliness of the fruit. in selecting the fruit was also not just choose to consume fruit is good for your health,
Fruit in Indonesia does have kasiat good for the health of the body, and very much at all lovers of fruit plant to cultivate a healthy fruit, following the healthiest fruit juices in Indonesia:
1. Pineapple juice
Juice squeezed directly from fresh pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme found in many fruits functioning digestive problems. Pineapple juice is rich in vitamin C and vitamin B6 can also reduce irritation. In one ounce pineapple juice, contains 133 calories.
2. Grapefruit juice
Only contains 96 calories, but rich in vitamin C, potassium, lycopene and beta-carotene. Grapefruit can cause a reaction when combined with certain drugs, making it stay longer in the blood vessels. If you are taking any medication, you should consult your doctor just to be safe.
3. orange juice
Orange juice is a good source of vitamin C, potassium and folate, and contains only 110 calories. In some juice products in the packaging, usually no additional nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.
4. Pomegranate Juice
Also called pomegranate fruit is a source of antioxidants, one of ellagic acid. This substance can block the reproduction of cancer cells. Combine pomegranate juice with blueberry or acai, can give you the super-rich beverage antioxidants.
5. Tomato juice
Contains only 53 calories, tomato is a fruit juice safest if you're on a diet program. Some nutrients including potassium, lycopene, vitamin C and beta-carotene that is good for the health of the skin and eyes.
6. Apple juice
Apple juice contains only calories by 117, per serving eight ounces. Apple juice naturally contains polyphenols, antioxidants that can fight cancer. It is also rich in potassium, iron and vitamin C. Nutrition in apple juice is not as much as if eaten whole, because most of the fiber and nutrients found in apple skin. But you may benefit more or less the same if apples blended with the skin, and drink without being filtered.
7. Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice contains vitamin C, antioxidants, flavonoids (good for the heart) and antibacterial. Calories too little, just 116 per serving eight ounces. Cranberries have a pretty sour taste, so it may not be suitable for those who like sweet drinks or suffering from gastritis. Adding sugar is not the solution, because it will add calories. Should be taken after lunch or dinner.
8. blueberry
Group berry fruits also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, plus fiber. Antioxidants and vitamins in blueberries powerful to heal the body and brain cell inflammation caused by premature aging.
9. lemon juice
Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamins B and C. This healthy drinks can cleanse the blood vessels and all internal parts of the body. Lemon can also eliminate toxins and good for the skin. Therefore, healthy juice is known to prevent the flu and treat arthritis.
10. carrots
The content of vitamin A in carrots is higher than any other fruit. In addition, the fruit is also a good source of B vitamins, minerals, calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sodium, sulfur naturally. Everything is good to keep your metabolism in order to work properly.
Do you want to be healthy? then eat the healthiest fruit juices in Indonesia are already described above, the -buah fruit is a fruit that is popular in Indonesia to be made of fruit juice.